A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **

Puzzle Warriors 3 Ninty-fifth episode. (Podcast #95)
"The Black(bolt) Album"

Covering 6/21-6/28  2017

* This weeks events:

 : Deadpool dailies: wed pur mystique, thu gre hulk, fri yel falcon, sat red psylocke, sun blu beast, mon pur bullseye, tue yel cap, wed red sentry
​​ : Crash of the Titans:
17th was gwenpoole 22nd is kate bishop, 27th is hulkbuster

​* PVE Events: 

 : Strange Sights, 5k and 21k will get you 3 iron fist, 36.5k is new sandman, 65k for 25cp.1-10 is agent venom, 11-300 doc doom
​​​ : The hunt is next: 3500, and 15.5 will get you 3 dooms, 26k is agent venom, 55k for 25cp. 1-10 is fantastic, 11-300 is torch

​​​* PVP Events:

 : Shield sim- doom, sentry x3, and Gamora .... 4 days left
 : Predator and prey now, 800 blue panther, 900 yel baby groot, 1200 for 15cp. 1-5 is sandman, 6-50 are starlord.

* Updates to alliance rewards for strange sights

* R129 release notes

* Request from the developers

​* And, this week featured character            

                                                  : BLACK BOLT!