Puzzle Warriors 3 Seventy-second episode. (Podcast #72)
"Anime-zing level of play" 

Covering 1/4-1/11  2017

* This weeks events:

 : Deadpool dailies: wed pur falcon, thu bla psylocke, fri yel beast, sat gre bullseye, sun blu cap, mon yel sentry, tue red pun, wed gre blade
 : Crash of the Titans:
HB on the 2nd, easy peasy, next up is Ghost Rider on the 7th

* PVE Events: 

​ : ISO-8 Brotherhood, 2 bla colossus, red uncanny deadpool, and 15cp. 1-10 is kingpin, 11-300 is daredevil

 : Deadpool Vs is up next. 2 pur daredevils, yell kingpin and the cp. top 100 people get the brand new Carol
* PVP Events:

 : Reality Season
​ : Shield Sim - 900 battery man, 1200 switch, 1400 switch, 1700 switch, 2k is medusa

 : Behold Thanos .. ugh ... 800 bla thanos, 900 gre bubbles, 1200 for the cp.HB and Daredevil.

 : Blind Justice now, 800 pur daredevil, 900 red HB, 1200 for the cp. 1-5 is jean grey, 6-50 is steve rogers.

Patron guest: Animerat!

New Carol 

Shield Intercept Changes ...

Powers be broke ...

Hulk Rewards update ... 

* And, this week featured character            

                                                  : War Machine!


A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **