Puzzle Warriors 3 Fifty-second episode. (Podcast #52)
"Jean Dixon, MPQ psychic" 

Covering 8/18-8/25  2016

* This weeks events:

 : Deadpool dailies: wed gre Wanda, thu red vision, fri bla bla panther, sat blu magneto, sun bla storm, mon bla cage, tue blue rocket, wed pur spiderman

 : Crash of the Titans:

8/15 was Red Hulk, 8/20 is x-23 vs elektra

* PVE Events: 

 : Venom:Heroic running now 16k yel black panther, 31k for the CP. 1-10 is red hulk, and 11-200 are dream warrior

 : Simulator Story is next, 23k for a dream warrior, 40k for the CP. 1-100 getting The Duck ... 101-200 getting Carol Danvers

 * PVP Events:

 : Lethal Intent running now, 800 bla gamora, 1k pur bucky, 1300 for the CP. 1st is black xforce, and 2-100 are Mohawk.

* Special guest, hesjingixen!

* New Sheild Levels

* New VIP Bonus

* Simulator story changes

* 107 hotfix 

* And, this week featured character            

                                                  : Ant-Man


A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **