Puzzle Warriors 3 Fiftieth episode. (Podcast #50)
"Big Orange Dork .. and Guest"
Covering 8/4-8/11 2016
* This weeks events:
: Deadpool dailies: wed pur blade, thu red patch, fri bla torch, sat red colossus, sun yel cyclops, mon blu hood, tue bla doc oc, wed yellow thor
: Crash of the Titans:
7/31 was Mr Fantastic, 8/5 is Iceman, and 8/10 is Cylcops
* PVE Events:
: The Hunt is running, 27k for gamora, 44k for the CP. 1-10 are X-force wolvie, and 11-200 are Daredevil.
* PVP Events:
: Webslinger wrapped up. 800 was pur spidey, 1k yel gwen, 1300 the cp. 1st 1was pur star lord, and 2-100 are daredevil.
: Blind Justice running now. 800 red daredevil, 1k yel star lord, 1300 for the cp. 1st yel wasp, and 2-100 are quicksilver
* Medussa wins the vote.
* Post 106 patches ..
*Mission difficulty changes ..
* Lightning round changes ..
* 4star char changes ..
* And, this week featured character
A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **