Puzzle Warriors 3 Four Hundred thirty-fourth episode!!! (Podcast #434)
"Killgrave is Here!"
Covering 9/11-9/18 2024
* This week's 5-day 4-star Crash:
9/2 was Moon Girl vs , 9/9 is Shuri vs Green Goblin, 9/16 is Mordo vs Strange and ?
* PVE Events:
: Story Event: Cosmic Chaos, Hawkguy, New Character, Surfer shards. Place is Talos, and Kaine shards.
: Story Event: Puzzle Gauntlet
: Story Event: Boss Event - Omega Reckoning - rewards no set when I wrote this.
* PVP Events:
: PVP Event: Space Season
: PVP Event: Shield Simulator: Kang, Punisher, Annhilus. Just 4 days left.
: PVP Event: First Avenger, Super soldier, Karnak. Place is Karolina Dean, Apoc Magneto.
* Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave)
* What's new in MPQ?!
* FCoTW: Jeffrey (Land Shark)
* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS: (Boss event)
3-Star: Gambit, Goose, Mystique, Victor Mancha, Patch
4-Star: Android Jim, Juggernaut, Mysterio, Sabretooth, Spidey 2099
5 Star: Black Bolt, Black Widow, 1st Avenger Cap, The Hunter
A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **