Puzzle Warriors 3 Four Hundred thirtieth episode!!! (Podcast #430)
"What time is it?

Covering 7/31-8/6 2024

​​* This week's 5-day 4-star Crash: 
7/22 was Star-Lord vs Gamora, 7/29 Dr. Bong vs Angela, 8/5 is Polaris vs teen Jean

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​* PVE Events:

: Story Event: Simulator, Punisher, Darkveil, new character shards. Place is Morbius and Carnage shards.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​* PVP Events:
: PVP Event: Mind Season

​: PVP Event: Shield Simulator: Jubilee, Gambit, Lady Octopus

: PVP Event: Claws for Concern, Patch, Hulkling. Place is X-Force Deadpool, Immortal Hulk

* New!  Devpool  3*
* New!  Hotpool  5* 

* Taco token Community Challenge! 

* R308: "Archbug..."
​* FCoTW: Kang (The Conqueror)

​​* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS:  No info

3-Star: ???
4-Star: ???

5 Star: ???


A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **
