Puzzle Warriors 3 Four Hundred fourteenth episode!!! (Podcast #414)
"A special leap year show!"
Covering 2/28-3/6 2024
* This week's 5-day 4-star Crash:
2/26 Gwen vs Miles. 3/4 is Kate vs Guy
* PVE Events:
: Story Event: The Hunt, battery man, dr. bong, hunter shards. Place is Scott and Storm
: Story Event: Boss Event Waking Nightmare - Gorr the God Butcher. Gorr, Angela, Weapon-Hex. Alliance is 3 sentry, 3 angela, weapon hex, old king thor costume for sleeves
: Story Event: PuzzleGauntlet -KarVan
* PVP Events:
: PVP Event: Quaid Season - 4 days left
: PVP Event: Shield Simulator: Vulture, Hood, Angela
: PVP Event: Brand New Kicks - Fabletics Spider Man, War Machine. Place is Wasp and Star-lord
* Mixpanel - Montage quest challenge info
* FCoTW: She-Hulk (Immortal)
* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS:
5 Star: Miles Carnage, Omega Red, Venom Rex, Vultue
4-Star: Dark Beast, Lizard, Mantis, Monica, Morbeus
3-Star: Black Widow, Dr Doom, Goose, IM 40, Loki
A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **