A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **

This week's info-graphic! 

- from UNC_Samurai!

Puzzle Warriors 3 Three-Hundred Twenty-Fifth episode!!! (Podcast #325)
"Black Knight History Month"

Covering 2/2-2/9 2022

​​* This week's 5-day 4-star Crash: 
1/27 was Nebula, 2/1 was Black Widow, 2/6 is IW Spidey

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​* PVE Events:

: Story Event: Webbed Wonder, Squirrel Girl, Melinda May, Killmonger shards. Place is X-Force, Gamora shards.

: Story Event: Welcome to Shield has 1 more day.

: Story Event: Strange Sights, Black Panther, X-Force, Gamora shards. Place is Yondu and Sersi shards.
: Story Event: Puzzle Gauntlet - Spider Sense Token

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​* PVP Events:
: PVP Event: Soul Season

​: PVP Event: Shield Sim - Psylocke, Vision, Ikaris.
: PVP Event: Here to Chew Gum, Squirrel Girl, Jubilee. Place is X-Froce and Okoye shards.

* Black Knight winner!
* MPQ Black History Month 

* R245

* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS:
5-Stars: Electro, Killmonger, Magneto, Wolverine

4-Stars: Blade, Miles, Mysterio, Prowler, Riri Williams

​3-Stars: Captain Marvel, Elektra, Tagnarok, Storm, The Hood