Puzzle Warriors 3 Two-Hundred twentieth episode. (Podcast #220)
"Small Wonder on DVD and Beta Ray"
Covering 12/4-12/11 2019
* This weeks events:
: Deadpool dailies:
wed gre she-hulk, thu pur deadpool, fri red gamora, sat red widows, sun pur loki, mon bla daken, tue pur squirrel, wed blue doom
: 5-day Crash: 11/19 was vulture, 11/24 was Agent Venom, 11/29 was Coulson 12/4 is X-23. 12/9 is mysterio
* PVE Events:
: webbed wonder, 3 doom, nico. 1-50 is falcon america, 51-400 scott
: Simulator, 3 scott, falcon america. 1-50 2099th spider man, 51-400 punisher
* PVP Events:
: Reality season ends Sunday
: Simulator is doom, 3 psylocke, and android jim
: Heavy Metal, battery man, max pun. 1-10 quake, 11-50 sleeves
: Lord of Thunder, thor, quake. 1-10 red hulk, 11-50 mystique
* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS:
4-Star: Yondu, Nova, Iceman, Bishop, Agent Venom
3-Star: Ragnarok, Psylocke, Mystique, Iron Man, Black Panther
2-Star: Daken, Magneto
1-Star: Hawkeye, Venom
A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **