Puzzle Warriors 3 One-Hundred Fifty-first episode. (Podcast #151)
"The White Queen Dazzles"

Covering 7/25-8/1  2018

* This weeks events:

 : Deadpool dailies: wed gre pietro, thu blu wanda, fri yel vision, sat yel strange, sun gre thanos, mon bla clint, tue gre peter, wed red elektra
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ : Crash of the Titans:
7/22 was xforce wolvy, 7/27 is Merica, 8/1 is ? vulture ?

​​​​​* PVE Events: 

 : simulator, 12k 3 hawkguy, 22k pur spider woman, 49k 30 cp. 1-50 is iron spider, 51-400 is hulk
​ : the hunt, 3 hulk, red iron spider, 30cp. 1-200 is the white queen herself
​​​​​​​​ : shield training emma

​​​​​​​​​​​* PVP Events:

 : Space Stone season coming
 : shield sim, - TBD
​ : fight and flight, gre hulk, yel carol, 15cp. 1-10 spider woman, 11-50 is elektra

* Emma Frost
* D3 at GenCon 

* Space Stone Season

* R158 Notes

​​​* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS:

4-Star: America Chavez, Ant-Man, Jean Grey (All-New X-Men), Luke Cage (Power Man), Mordo
3-Star: Beast, Bullseye (Classic), Gambit (Modern), Mystique, Thor (Modern)
2-Star: Hawkeye (Modern), Storm (Classic)
1-Star: Juggernaut, Venom (Dark Avengers)


A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **