Puzzle Warriors 3 One-Hundred Twenty-Ninth episode. (Podcast #129)
"Cap and IM vs Burns and Allen"
Covering 2/14-2/21 2018
* This weeks events:
: Deadpool dailies: wed pur falcon, thu bla psylocke, fri yel beast, sat gre bullseye, sun blu cap, mon yel sentry, tue red punisher, wed gre blade
: Crash of the Titans:
2/12 was Drax, 2/17 is nick fury
* PVE Events:
: Venom Bomb, 17k is 3 gamora, 33.5k is king of wakanda, 75k for 30 cp. 1-50 is kate bishop, 51-400 is daken
: Shield Training
: Civil War!
* PVP Events:
: Far Out Space Nuts season
: Shield Sim, pur doom, 3 psylocke, 2k is bla kraven
: pvp matchmaking now, 800 red deadpool, 900 gre x-force wolvie, 1200 for 15cp. 1-10 get x-23, 11-50 is vision
* Civil War is back baby
* Kate reward change
* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS:
4-Star: Kraven the Hunter, Mockingbird, Vulture, War Machine, Yondu
3-Star: Elektra (Assassin), Hawkeye (Hawkguy), Iron Man (Model 40), Kamala Khan, Thanos (Modern)
A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **