Puzzle Warriors 3 One-Hundred Fifteenth episode. (Podcast #115)
"The music in Craig's Head"
Covering 11/8-11/15 2017
* This weeks events:
: Deadpool dailies: wed red sentry, thur black punisher, fri black blade, sat green wolverine, sun red human torch, mon yellow colossus, tue red cyclops, wed yellow hood
: Crash of the Titans:
11/4 was coulson vs strange, 11/9 is X23 really i think this time, 11/14 is iceman.
* PVE Events:
: Enemy of the State, 35.5k is 3 mohwalk, 70k for 2 gamorpha, 111k for 66 CP. 1-50 is coulson, 51-400 is patch
: Strange Sights is next, 21k is 3 patch, 36.5k is pur coulson, 65k is 30 cp. 1-50 is elektra, 51-400 is spidey
* PVP Events:
: Ticking away, the moments that make up a dull day season
: shield sim. wanda, 3 strange, and 74 winds for gre rogue
: Sharp dresed, 28 is yel patch, 40 is blue quake. 1-5 is red hulk, 6-50 is iron fist.
: Sakaar arena
* Updates to shield rank and xp ...
* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS:
4-Star: Ant-Man, Jean Grey (All-New X-Men), Moon Knight, Mr. Fantastic, Quake
3-Star: Beast, Sam Wilson (Falcon), Gambit (Modern), Luke Cage (Hero for Hire), Mystique
A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **