​​Puzzle Warriors 3 One-Hundred Tenth episode. (Podcast #110)
"Apocalyptic rouge backlash"

Covering 10/4-10/11  2017

* This weeks events:

 : Deadpool dailies: wed yel bdsm, thu yel battery, fri gre fist, sat blu ragnarok, sun gre kk, mon gre quicksilver, tue blu switch, wed yel vision
​​​​​​ : Crash of the Titans:
9/30 was deadpool vs wolverine, 10/5 is devil dino vs squirrel , 10/10 should be elektra ?  (nope, more Dino)

​* PVE Events: 

 : Webbed Wonder, 16k is 3 punisher, 32k is red rogue, 57k is 30 cp. 1-50 is baby groot, 51-400 is mystique
 : Xmen vs Apocalype 281,500 is gre quicksilver, 500000 blue qs, 900000 mes amis recruit token. rounds 2-4 are 3star gambit covers, 5-7 are X-23 covers, round is is a legendary mes amis token.
 : Shield Training, 5200 gets you a total of 17k iso.

​​​​* PVP Events:

 : Go Go Power Season
​ : Shield Sim you get Vision, 3 Hood, and a Lockjaw for a bargain of 800 points.
 : Combined Arms now, 800 yel bla panther, 900 yel medusa, 1200 15cp, 1-5 is miles, 6-50 is patch

 : Honor among thieves is next

* Gambit 

* Anniversary and Apocalypse 

​* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS:

   3*: Deadpool, Dr. Strange, Iron Man, Kamala Khan, Thanos
​   4*: Blade, Captain Marvel, Deadpool, Wolverine, and Medusa



A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **