A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **

Puzzle Warriors 3 One-Hundred Third episode. (Podcast #103)

Covering 8/16-8/23  2017

* This weeks events:

 : Deadpool dailies: wed red colossus, thu yel cyclops, fri blu hood, sat bla doc o, sun yel sleeves, mon bla bdsm, tue blu battery, wed pur fist
​​​ : Crash of the Titans:
8/11 wass Mordo, 8/16 is Big Pun, 8/21 is fantastic

​* PVE Events: 

​​​​ : Thick as Thieves, 17k for 3 dream warrior, 32.5k for a bla yondu, 74k for the cp. 1-10 is gamor4a, 11-300 is sentry
​ : Prodigal sun, 30k will get you 6 sentry, 56k for 2 gamor4a, 123k for 55cp. 1-10 get Blade4, and 11-300 is 3 strange

​​​​* PVP Events:

 : Open your Mind Season
​ : Simulator - black punisher, 3 beast, bla vulture at 2k
 : Starfall 800 red sentry, 900 red cyclops, 1200 for the cp. 1-5 is Yondu, 6-50 is 3 strange


​* And, this week featured character            

                                                  : Iron Fist!