A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **

Puzzle Warriors 3 Fifty-sixth episode. (Podcast #56)
"We have clearance, Clarence." 

Covering 9/14-9/21  2016

* This weeks events:

 : Deadpool dailies: wed gre torch, thu bla colossus, fri bla cyclops, sat bla hood, sun gre doc oc, mon gre thor, tue yel cap marvel, wed yel battery

 : Crash of the Titans:
9/9 was Venom, 9/14 was Nova, 9/19 is Spider Gwen

* PVE Events: 

 : The gauntlet is running now, blu bla panther, yel lazy thor, gre punisher, and a yellow venom
 : Next is Deadpool VS. ... oh boy ... clearence levels are now here

 * PVP Events:

 : shield simulator, 900 hood, 1200 black panther, 1400 mystique, 1700 torch, 2k wasp
 : Lord of Thunder, 800 yel thor, 1k gre bubbles, 1300 cp, 1st is hulkbuster, and 2-100 is ragnarok
 :, last event of the season should be Krakadoom

Character changes are a coming

* Clearance level rewards

* New tokens

* Enchilada change 

* And, this week featured character            

                                                  : X-23!