Puzzle Warriors 3 Two-Hundred forty-sixth episode. (Podcast #246)
"Another lazy episode"

Covering 6/10-6/17 2020

* This weeks events: 

: Deadpool dailies: wed wed KK, then ?

: 5-day Crash: 6/6 is SheThor, 6/11 is Gwenpool , 6/16 is spider gwen

​​​​​​​​* PVE Events: 

: Story Event: the hunt, blade, karnak, onslaught shards. super skrull, and Hela shards.

: Story Event: infinite pursuit, Loki, superskrull, Hela shards. maria hill and apocalypse shards

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​* PVP Events:

: PVP Event: hey season, soul season

: PVP Event: simulator, she-hulk, colossus, 2099th spiderman

: PVP Event: scrapper 142, spidey, valkyrie, modok, and cap marvel shards

* R204

​​​​* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS:

4-Star: Gwenpool, Iron Fist, Karolina Dean, Nebula, Nico
3-Star: Sam Wilson, Human Torch, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine
2-Star: Wolverine, Magneto
1-Star: Hawkeye, Storm


A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **